Ramadan Readathon Blog Banner with a gold moon and star doodle. In the other corner is a lantern and in the middle is the Arabic phrase: “Bismillaharamanaraheem!” via a graphic I made.

This tag was created by YA Book Corner!

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the 5th annual Ramadan Readathon! During this month, I’ll be reading books specifically by Muslim authors (in addition to the Qur’an, of course). Use #RamadanReadathon and tag @MuslimReadathon on Twitter and Instagram. You don’t have to be a Muslim in order to participate in this tag! In fact, if you decide to do this tag, please leave a link to it in the comments down below!

The Ramadan Readathon TAG

Ramadan lanterns via GIPHY

~*Mirrors and Windows*~

  1. Name a book that you felt represented you or that you were able to relate to.

For this one, I’m going to reread Hana Khan Carries On by Uzma Jalaluddin! Feel free to check out my book review here.

~*My Muslim Hero/Heroine*~

2. Name your favorite Muslim character and explain why.

My favorite Muslim character is Zeyneb from S.K. Ali’s book, Love from A to Z!

~*Patience is a virtue*~

3. Name your most anticipated read by a Muslim author.

Misfit in Love by S.K. Ali!

~*Muslim Scribe*~

4. Name your favorite Muslim author.

I have a lot. Sabaa Tahir, Uzma Jalaluddin, S.K. Ali, Ausma Zehanat Khan, S.A. Chokraborty, G.Willow Wilson, Huda Fahmy, Hafsah Faizal, Sahira Javaid, Aamna Qureshi, and Melati Lum!

~*The Muslim Shelf*~

5. Recommend one book by a Muslim author that everyone should read.

The City of Brass by S.A. Chokraborty.

Ramadan Mubarak to everyone celebrating next week, insha’ Allah! For everyone else: Have you read a book by any of these authors? I highly recommend checking them out.

11 thoughts on “The Ramadan Readathon

  1. OMG! That means a lot to me & also makes me really happy ❤ I've actually checked out books based on your blog posts and I look forward to your posts 🙂 !! It is and even though they're both romance books they also deal with topics that are not always discussed (i.e. mental health in Islam, chronic illness is talked about in love from a to z, etc.).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m late to this… so sad that I missed Ramadan Readathon this year, but so lovely to read your post! 🙂 Love from A to Z is on my TBR!!!


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